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Playout  DVDs

What Playout Do

Playout produce training DVDs which can be used by your own trainers and facilitators. We are experts in writing scripts that demonstrate  important issues that an organisation wishes to highlight. These are wrtten in an entertaing and thought-provoking way.

Playout use the talents of professional actors, directors and camera crewe. Playout have produced training DVDs for a variety of clients including Leicester Royal Infirmary, Northumnbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Gloucestershire Healthcare Community, The National Blood Authority, Specsavers, Imperial College and Brighton University.

We have two DVDs available:

These DVDs help with training in Conflict Resolution and effective communication. Professional actors perform short scenes of aggressive interactions in health care settings as a foundation for analysing how communication can break down. The sketches focus on how to deal with challenging and potentially violent situations both on the phone and face-to-face.

A Trainer's Guide is provided alongside the DVD which takes the trainer/facilitator through a course, identifying key issues that should emerge from group discussions of each of the sketches. The DVDs help hospitals cover conflict resolution training and help General Practices meet the Care Quality Commission's Essential Standards.

For further information about these DVDs please contact us by emailing

If you have already bought the Difficut Encounters DVD you can download a draft delegate pack here Delegate Pack